Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopAll Things Autism & Early Childhood: How & What to Teach Young Learners
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - SPED
Primary ContactPrimary ContactDenise Neill
DescriptionPresenters:  Annette Wragge, M.Ed., BCBA, ASD State Coordinator,  Teri McGill, M.Ed., BCBA Metro Region Coordinator, Jamie Lewis, MAEd, MSOTR/L Central Region Coordinator, and Mikki Bohling, SLP-CCC, Central Region Team

This 2 day training will provide an overview of important topics related to identifying and understanding the diverse needs of young children with autism. Universal and core classroom-wide practices will be discussed, as well as the development of effective, individualized intervention programs.  
This training will focus on early intervention practices for teams working with young children, from birth to three years old (Part C)  as well as those working with individuals aged three to five years and beyond. (Part B).

Following the training Participants will be able to identify:
ASD Network Core Values
    *Early Indicators of Autism Including Leveraging the Routines Based Interview 
    *Early Intervention in Nebraska
    * Evidence Based Practices 
            RBEI Practices
            Functional Communication
            Active Engagement/Joint Attention
            Social Skills
            PTR Classroom Wide Practices
            Hot Tips for Behavior 

Registration deadline is 1 week prior or when registration is at capacity.
Please log into your ODIE account or create a new one (if you do not have one)
Once an account has been created, you can login and register for this workshop.

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Denise Neill at or 308-237-5927. 

Attendees may include Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) teachers, speech-language pathologists (SLPs), administrators, and service coordinators. Parents, family members, and paraprofessionals are also welcome to attend alongside their school team members.

Registration deadline is one week prior to workshop.  Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance will be billed the workshop fee.

LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing  (click here for building map)

PrerequisitesPrerequisites: None
AudienceAudience: This workshop is intended for school team members who work with young children (ages Birth to 5) with autism or characteristics of autism.