Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopParaeducator Training August 2021
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactDallas Lewandowski
DescriptionNavigating the Seven C's: Coping in a Crisis while Caring for Kids

When it comes to promoting students’ social-emotional and academic success, paraeducators have one of the most stressful yet essential occupations. Unfortunately, few groups of professionals have been as adversely affected by the pandemic as paraeducators, whose roles are more important than ever before. This professional development session will provide paraeducators with practical skills to cope with the devastating effects of COVID-19 and its aftermath while continuing to thrive in their role of supporting students. By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1) Understand the impact of ongoing stress on our brain, body, and behavior.
2) Discuss how our mental health, as caregivers, influences the children around us.
3) Identify the Seven C’s for helping caregivers cope in a crisis.
4) Apply the Seven C’s framework to help ourselves and those around us survive and thrive.

To achieve these learning objectives, this breakout session will combine didactic teaching, hands-on activities, and group discussion.

LocationESU 10 Kearney NE

AudienceAudience: K-12 Paraeducators