Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopScience of Reading - From Speech to Print
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactSusan Evans
Course Description:  The Science of Reading course presents the key scientifically-based reading research foundations needed to understand how reading develops and effective methods and strategies used to teach literacy skills to young children and older children/adults who may find reading difficult.  

LocationESU 10 Kearney NE
 Section Date  Contact     
May 25, 2021Evans, Susan22 (6/22)
[1 waiting]
June 7, 2021Evans, Susan22 (6/22)
[1 waiting]
June 17, 2021Evans, Susan22 (6/22)
[1 waiting]

AudienceAudience: Teachers of reading, or teachers who want to learn more about the Science of Reading.
AQuESTT Tenet - Educator Effectiveness