Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopEL Excellence Every Day Book Study
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactTheresa Ritta-Olson
DescriptionEnsuring English Learner achievement is a growing priority among educators. This course will address the core pedagogy for supporting English learners. (1) Value what English learners bring to the classroom and foster relationships. (2) Set high expectations for English learners and focus on strengths over deficits. (3) Use a variety of strategies to engage ELs. (4) Observe and gather data to inform instruction. (5) Use language supports strategically to engage and challenge English learners. (6) Continuously reflect to refine how ELs are taught. 
LocationVideo Conference

AudienceAudience: K-12 Educators supporting English learners
AQuESTT Tenet - Educational Opportunities & Access  AQuESTT Tenet - Educator Effectiveness