Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopZiggurat Framework and CAPS-2 Part Training
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - SPED
Primary ContactPrimary ContactPolly Hays
DescriptionPresenter(s): Jamie Lewis, MSOTR/L, Central Region ASD Coordinator & Mikki Bohling, SLP-CCC

ASD requires interventions throughout the lifespan.  The Ziggurat Model offers a step-by-step framework for organizing your knowledge of ASD and intervention options into a comprehensive plan into which we can plug in intervention strategies. This model emphasises evidence-based practices, proactive strategies, ongoing assessment and promotes team collaboration.  The CAPS helps teams create an intentional plan on how to implement interventions across the day. 

LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Rooms E & F - South Wing  (click here for building map)

AudienceAudience: resource teachers, SLPs, OTs, PTs, counselors, school psychologists, general education teachers, parents and administrators.