Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Section Details
REGISTRATION POLICY: Registration deadline is one week prior to workshop unless otherwise noted. Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance and no-shows will be billed.

Workshop SectionWorkshop SectionESU 10 Superintendent Meeting ~ September 8, 2022
RegistrationRegistrationRegistration is no longer available because this section has already occurred.
Check for upcoming sessions of this workshop.
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - ADMIN
Primary ContactPrimary ContactMelissa Wheelock
DescriptionThis meeting is held for all school administrators in the ESU 10 region.
Evening Meal is provided.  Registration is required.  Agenda will be sent via list serve.

*This meeting replaces the Superintendent Meeting that was originally scheduled on September 21st. 
LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing  (click here for building map)
StatusStatusThis section is currently open.
11 Registered
0 Minimum; 0 Maximum
Section Dates
September 8, 20225:30 PM7:30 PM
Add to CalendarCalendarAdd to my calendar
AudienceAudience: Superintendents
Registration Fees
ESU 10 and tiered-contract other schools$0.00
non-tiered other schools$0.00
Materials RequiredMaterials Required: None
LunchLunch will not be provided.
College CreditThis section is not available for college credit.