Stage: odie: Workshops: Workshop Section Details
REGISTRATION POLICY: Registration deadline is one week prior to workshop unless otherwise noted. Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance and no-shows will be billed.

Workshop SectionWorkshop SectionSummer Science Retreat ~ June 3, 2021 (2 days)
RegistrationRegistrationRegistration is no longer available because this multi-day section began on June 3, 2021.
Check for upcoming sessions of this workshop.
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactDianah Steinbrink
DescriptionESU 9 & 10 welcomes Paul Andersen to Nebraska! We invite K-12 science educators to join us at the Aurora Leadership Center for two days dedicated to practical application of three dimensional teaching. Go to to learn more. Register today to save your spot!

"Paul Andersen is an educational consultant and YouTube creator living in Bozeman, MT. Paul is an experienced educator having taught science in Montana for 20 years. Paul was the 2011 Montana Teacher of the Year, and was also one of four finalists for the 2011 National Teacher of the Year. In addition to teaching Paul has created hundreds of YouTube science tutorials that have been viewed millions of times by students around the world. Paul has provided training for thousands of students, teachers, and administrators around the world. Paul enjoys providing meaningful professional development that can be applied immediately in the classroom."

LocationAurora Leadership Center
StatusStatusThis section is currently open.
38 Registered
0 Minimum; 0 Maximum
Section Dates
June 3, 20218:30 AM3:30 PM
June 4, 20218:30 AM3:30 PM
Add to CalendarCalendarAdd to my calendar
AudienceAudience: K-12 Science Teachers
Registration Fees
ESU 10 Title IIA & Title IV Schools$50.00
ESU 9 & 10 Schools$100.00
Other ESU's$175.00
Title II-A 2019-2020October 1, 2019September 30, 2020
Title IV 2019-2020October 1, 2019September 30, 2020
LunchLunch will not be provided.
College CreditThis section is available for college credit.
AQuESTT Tenet - Postsecondary Career & Civic Readiness  AQuESTT Tenet - Educator Effectiveness

College Credit: 1 credit hour is offered through Hastings College
-12 workshop hours and 3 hours of independent study using Google Classroom
-$210 per credit hour to Hastings College (subject to change)
-Managed by Kristen Slechta of ESU 9 and Dianah Steinbrink of ESU 10

Title II-A Contracted Services Pay is $125 per day with a max of 5 days in the summer.  
Title IV Contracted Services Pay is $150 per day with a max of 5 days in the summer. 
Subject to change based on available funds.
